My trusty little Raku Rubbish Bin housed on a purpose built brick paved area beside the RAKU Shed (once the garden shed) nestled in a protected corner of the garden.
Kiln West 380 x 380 x 380 electric kiln 20 amp Single Phase. Not really big enough for me but has served me well. Just have to be creative for larger pieces when stacking.
I did my Raku "learners" on "Old Faithful". Here she is firing on all cyllinders ! (Ikea Raku Rubbish Bin)

My Drum for Barrel Firing -
half a drum with holes in the sides and bottom. A beauty. Happy with the firings so far. Still Experimenting.

Latest addition to my studio –
The Slab Roller, "SCARLET" my fantastic "little red beauty". So much easier with my bad back!
Heading 6
Well if if you want to start up a Pottery Studio at Home and feel you don't have the space .... think again.
I started out in the corner of our family tool shed, at the back of the garage. As my passion grew, so did my space.
Needless to say, the tool shed is now my STUDIO. A few alterations and additions - a glass panel door for better light, view and access to my outside covered kiln area. Metal and lots of wall shelving.
A year on, one of the cars has been relegated to the front driveway and I have expanded, commandeering half the double garage adjoining the tool shed or should I say, my studio. A visit to the auction houses and found 2 long stainless steel workbenches. A number of 2nd hand metal shelving units from a business closing down .... what a score, an absolute blessing. I'm a very happy mud puppy now!
If you want something bad enough, you will find a way ...
A new addition to our firing family.
"Old Smokey"
Have added something new to my firing repertoire ...Smoke firing.
John has excelled himself this time.
After months of research and sourcing materials, he finally finished the smoke kiln and we have had our first very successful firing. It is not until you decided to make something specific that you realize just how small Perth is ........ had to get the S/S chimney in from Sydney, vent pipe had to be manufactured and threaded. Now just have to perfect the Terrasigillata process before mastering this particular smoking process.

Despite hubby’s car being relegated to the front driveway he still made me the “raku rubbish bin” and now my state of the art mobile “gas raku kiln”. 2 in fact, large and small.
I am very fortunate, he is quite the handy man and very supportive of my ever encroaching passion. Thank you John!

Ahh!!! My new BABY PUG!!! (named her RUBY)
What a life saver - my back is saying
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Judith Paisley
Perth Western Australia
Any questions - please fill in details with message. Will be happy to answer......
Email -
LINKS (Kim Maple - Artist) (Ceramic Arts Association of WA - CAAWA) (Perth Studio Potters) (My gallery representation in South West W.A.) (Andrea Vinkovic) (The Australian Ceramics Association) (Sherylle Dovaston - Dova Collective Art Gallery)