1st Joint Exhibition - "4 OF US" - 8th - 10th November 2013

Our First Joint Exhibition..........."FOUR OF US"
What a RUSH! Both in adrenalin and time. This was a last minute decision, with no plans in place.
This is obviously a great way to work, because within a few weeks,we were all fired up with venue
arranged, advertising material done, bodies of work completed, photography organized, editorials
prepared, new display plinths whipped up and raring to go!
"THE FOUR OF US " 8th - 10th November 2013
Judith Paisley, Kim Maple, Victoria Malone and Beverley McMahon.
The four of us had worked together for many years, as a dedicated team with a shared responsibility
in the administration of a local arts facility. We work together incredibly well,
so collaborating artistically with a joint exhibition seemed a natural progression.
The venue for the exhibition was held at Kim Maples house in Cottesloe, renovated in purpose built
gallery style which showcases her incredible paintings, a perfectly beautiful location for our first exhibition,
less intimidating, more personal and no hassle. It was colourful,warm and inviting. We had the most incredibly encouraging response with opening night and exhibition such a fantastic success it certainly whetted our appetites with a view to making this an annual event.
Thanks Kim and Tom for your amazing generosity in offering your wonderful showcase home
for our special event.
A few pics from the event..........