5th to 9th OCTOBER 2015
THIS COURSE - was structured around RESIST TECHNIQUES and exploring textured surfaces. Also exploring Peters GLAZING TECHNIQUES to create patterns and texture within glazes.
To discover and trial different processes so that we can then incorporate and implement them in our own work. Peter also covered professional ceramic photography which was extremely useful and necessary for promoting our work, for magazines or galleries.
Peter was a fantastic presenter, very patient, very approachable and very generous.
Well I have to say this was the most comprehensive workshop I have ever attended. This was 10am till 6pm every day for a week with a 20 minute drive to and from the school from our apartment near Basel. We worked non stop with a short break for lunch then straight through. Intense concentration was a must, in case we missed anything. The workshop was conducted in English and with most students being from all over Switzerland there was an interpreter provided for them. One student from Italy brought her own personal interpreter but Bev and I being from Australia were most fortunate with the course being in English.
There were 10 Students in all.
We were on a tight schedule, as a lot of our work needed to dry and be fired. We worked mainly with tiles for testing both textures and glazing. Any structural pieces we made had to be left behind as we couldn't take them home on the plane which didn't really concern us as it was the process that was the focus. All the glazed test tiles we managed to squeeze into our suit cases. We were all so exhausted by the end of the week and totally satisfied the trip from Australia for the workshop more than met our expectations. It took me a week just to collate all the notes, paperwork and photographs of the whole workshop together in a bound folder for future reference.
Peter is one of my most favourite potters. Such a talented world renouned artist. His glazing finishes and surface treatments are incredible and so unique. What a wonderful privilege to
to have experienced one of his rare workshop. To watch him work his magic on one of his trade mark pieces was mind blowing.
Thank you Peter!
Some pics from the workshop........