Advanced Master Class "Painting with Smoke" - David Roberts.
Northern Tuscany, Italy 13th June 2015
Nestled in a medieval cobble stoned mountain village, in Northern Tuscany, lots of fresh air, space and rugged isolation was the perfect setting for a serious Raku Master Class free of any distractions.
The master class was designed around development of our skills and confidence in the application of the naked raku processes to our own work. Exploring the exciting and expressive possibilities of combining different surface qualities, resist techniques and raku firings to develop our own personal ceramic language.
What an incredibly full on week. 4 students only .... 2 from France, 1 from Holland and myself from Australia.
It was fantastic, very inspiring, I am eternally grateful - learned heaps! Now I just need to adapt those processes to my own work. Of course, different clay and materials back home in Australia, so lots of testing to do.
Trialing these processes gives you but a minuscule understanding of the unbelievable patience and skill required to achieve the level of perfection in Davids work. Patience personified, what an unbelievably talented artist.
I was so incredibly fortunate and privileged to be afforded the opportunity to join David's master class.
The course was full on and we fitted so much in, covering so many different processes and firings and by the last day we were all thoroughly exhausted, including David. The pressure will be on now, to perform!!!
David's lovely wife Jan, provided a sumptuous luncheon with local wine and delicacies each day, which was a welcomed respite from what was a very busy schedule. We all wined and dined at local restaurants a couple of evenings, but the rest of the week we welcomed early nights after a long day on our feet and early morning starts.
I came away a very happy potter.....with a wealth of knowledge and a mine of information frantically jotted in my notebook between processes before I forgot. To enjoy a tutorial under the watchful eye of such an accomplished
renowned potter was in itself something to treasure.
A very big thank you to David and Jan for not only the opportunity but a wonderful experience.
A few pics from the event..........
Students - Jean Luc, Vincent, Karin and myself with David Roberts.