3 + 3 Exhibition Review
Thank you to all those who shared the evening with us making the opening the huge success
that it was. This was a most exciting exhibition, with on screen art in action of the artists working in their respective studios preparing the work on exhibition showcasing the various processes and viewing throughout the exhibition.
We had a fantastic crowd on opening night of around 300, with wonderful reviews.....very encouraging for all the artists. We were very fortunate in finding such an incredible space in
which to exhibit our artwork, a major contributing factor to its overall success I am sure.
From the artists of 3+3, Judith Paisley, Kim Maple, Bev McMahon, Victoria Malone,
Leone Broadhurst and Samantha De Sillery, a thank you to Evi Ferrier for opening the exhibition
and a special thank you to everyone for coming along and supporting local Western Australian Arts.